Thursday, January 2, 2014

To Do or Not to Do

There is only one reason why resolutions break down year after year - the inability of human beings to form new habits. Sometimes, when you dispassionately look at your life, you wonder, why is it that you run away from something that will benefit you in more ways than one? What kind of a stupid person does that? The answer is : The lazy kind. Years of "giving in" to demands of the mind is showing signs now. And pertinent ones at that. The squidginess around the edges, the platinum highlights that I'd rather not have, a poor disposition that leads to viral attacks ever so often.

I had often heard that it takes 21 days to form a habit. I can attest to the fact that it's incorrect because many an excercise regime has been defeated post 25-30 days of rigorous practice. Similar inconsistencies have been experienced when it comes to staying off junk food. A recent article in "Brain Pickings" has beautifully put such false notions to rest. Read it here: 

Key takeaway:

"Although the study only covered 84 days, by extrapolating the curves, it turned out that some of the habits could have taken around 254 days to form — the better part of a year!

What this research suggests is that 21 days to form a habit is probably right, as long as all you want to do is drink a glass of water after breakfast. Anything harder is likely to take longer to become a really strong habit, and, in the case of some activities, much longer."

It seems, the harder the undertaking, the longer you need to do it for it to become a habit. 2 days down in this new year, I haven't moved so much as a muscle and waking up early is still an ordeal (though it IS 4 degrees celsius in the mornings .. sigh.. excuses).

So at the fag end of a 3 week break from work, I intend to start getting my life on track. My brain needs to listen to me rather than enslaving me the way it as for all these years. I think having something to look forward to at 6:00 am might just help my case. Since a doughnut would entirely defeat the purpose, I am thinking about early morning blogs instead (post a large cup of tea of course).

Here's to willpower and the interesting times ahead!

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