Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 Resolutions: Live, Laugh, Love

So I was busy going through my resolutions from 2013 and sizing up the year against the benchmarks that I had set for myself. Though I didn't fail completely in my own eyes at the game of life last year, there's a lot left to be desired. Laziness, physical-mental-spiritual, seems to have been the troublemaker for things not done. Unconscious living seems to be another. When you look back at an entire year and have only 10 odd occurrances that took your breath away, you need to seriously re-examine your life. Of course, all excuses need to be thrown out of the window.

Living consciously is of course the top of the resolutions list this year. This is followed by writing the book I had started 2 years ago, reading more (especially the works of Vivekananda), dancing more (planning to get back to Bharatnatyam), and perfecting myself in the art of living. I think it's high time I stopped letting life's little twists and turns get on my nerves and be ready to face everything with grace and courage. The only thing I fear is fear itself (much like Potter), and I have a burning desire to live each moment like it's my last and not worry about the consequences at all.

Finally, this year is going to be special in more ways than one owing to the most fortuitous turn of events in my life. I intend to enjoy every moment of that blessing and focus on giving rather than harbouring silly expectations.

May you all have a magical 2014 :)

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