So I decided that this time around I was not going to break my own promises. I know it's early in the year - and all seems doable right now. But I'm done with denegerating as an individual as the days go by in a year and then making unattainable resolutions all over again. Here goes the list of promises made by yours truly to her esteemed self :
2) Read: 2012 slipped past without my mind and soul having explored other worlds. Movies are great - but reading has its own charm. The crazy amount of office work last year - very little of which was actually put into use - klled my appetite for reading. When the eyes are red and swollen from having stared non-stop for hours at end into the laptop - reading stops becoming a priority. Made up for some of that loss during my 15 days of core leaves in December - where I polished off the LOTR trilogy, The Hobbit, and Ashwin Sanghi's Chanakya's Chants and The Krishna Key. I am a much better person for having done this I feel.
On to the Romanovs at last, gifted by my best friend on my last birthday! It's one of the most intriguing pieces of historical fiction I've ever read - and will probably make me want to overcome my lack of knowledge on Russian history soon!
3) Meditate: The world and more importantly, going to work each day, tends to take a toll on the human mind and spirit. Sometimes, you get so lost in the pettiness of the situation, that you forget to look at things in perspective. That's where meditation helps. I have realised I am a much better person when I'm quieter deep down - agitation gets me no where. Besides, in sync with my belief that each human being needs to become in sync with the universe in order to make this world a truly survivable place, I need to be the change I want to see in others.
4) Write: Writing, in my view, gives a window to a person's soul. Things becomes so much clearer when you put them down on paper. Whether it's in the form of a journal (which I've started yet again this year - and intend to fill ~90% of) or blogging - writing is something that puts me in a flow - and I intend to do more such things this year.
5) Travel: I start feeling restless if I don't travel. It's not that I'm not content with my life, it's just that I yearn to see other places, experience other cultures, every now and then. Last year, a trip to Ukraine went awry - but this year - a trip to France and maybe Spain seems likely as ever, thanks to someone moving base to a beautiful city for sometime :)
6) Cook: My Pinterest page has too many untried cooking pins that I swore I'd try last year! This year I plan to evolve into a Master Chef. And unlike other years - the resolve is stronger!
7) Stop Cribbing: Alright so I'm not really clear of my life's direction. I am doing well at work, but given a choice I'd rather do something else. But that does not mean that I turn into a full blown cribber and crib the ears off my poor family and some friends! The job isn't bad, my work is always recognised and rewarded, and not all people I work with are loons. If I don't know what I want to do with my life - I shouldn't take it out on others really. There is simply no justification. So 2013 will be a no-crib-zone as far as I'm concerned. And I intend to keep a distance from the negativity filled being that sometimes surround me - I'll pray for them and send them some light - but I WILL NOT CRIB!
8) Volunteer: I think I'm blessed to have a great family, awesome friends, a job and no debilitating illnesses. And I am multi talented - it's time to put all that to use and actually help people out. Each human being deserves dignity in life - I solemnly swear I will do something to help bring that into some lives this year.
9) Stop taking the environment for granted: Whether it's water running as I brush my teeth or lights on in another room - one tries to be careful as far as natural resources are concerned. However, I think there's a lot more scope as far as being more conscious about all of this is concerned. I will henceforth live life with greater deliberation and do my bit to not take more out of earth than I already have. And maybe take up gardening.
That's about it as far as resolutions are concerned. Laziness is in for a pounding this year - already I feel better for having taken the first steps towards my various resoultions (umm, except cooking - but that will change soon).
Looking forward to a spiritual, happy and exciting 2013!
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