The wedding bells have worn themselves out, the chaos and commotion has died down, it's finally beginning to sink in that this isn't a temporary arrangement. We're roommates for life from now on.
As I look back on this day one month ago, I am overwhelmed with happy memories. I was a happy bride. Loved being the centre of attention for 4 straight days. Loved getting dolled up after a lifetime of not touching makeup. Loved the fact that I was marrying someone I was so much in love with. Loved that everyone I loved was equally happy too :). Hell, I must have been the only bride who danced out of the venue during her vidai with her equally upbeat brother!
One month later, I'm happier than ever. My new home feels like home. In fact it felt like home right from the start - which was such a relief! I like Vadodara - the quiet quaint city that I've moved to from the hustle-bustle of Delhi. I feel much loved and much at peace. The huge life change that I'd been sweating about for nearly a year has happened gently enough for me to get happily accustomed to it. What it's like for the family I've moved into only they could reveal :P .. but things are peaceful enough at the moment :).
My husband (the term still seems strange - we've sworn we'll remain boy friend - girl friend for life) is an adorable man who finds the time and energy to cater to my whims even after a crazy day at work. We're learning the art of dancing together in the party called life. It's easy when you share similar interests - we enjoy similar movies (with the exception of the romance genre), we have the same travel style and sleep is a precious commodity for both of us. If we find ourselves tripping mid-dance or stepping over each other's feet accidentally, we find a way to smoothen out that step too. Being more or less in sync is a nice feeling :)
Though I miss home all the time too. My mum, dad, even fighting with my brother, and my darling Labrador Maxi boy. Conflicting emotions that come from having two awesome homes I guess!
The first tiny milestone in the journey of a lifetime seems to have been accomplished. My fears of "feeling stuck" in a marriage seem rather foolish now (Thank God!). Looking forward to many many more happy moments together. Happy one-montheversary to us!